I’m the kind of person that loves to analyze and observe behavior. I also like using these insights to help people make positive changes in their lives. Several years ago, I got REALLY interested in human behavior change. Mostly because I was trying to make changes to my own health. Because of this passion, I went on to become a part-time health and fitness coach, in my spare time.

Pragmatically, behavior is built around long-forming habits that can be triggered throughout your day. In health coaching, you learn what motivates these triggers through motivational interviewing techniques. True behavior change happens when you begin to form tiny habits that manifest with a combination of ability, motivation, and triggers.

Pragmatically, behavior is built around long-forming habits that can be triggered throughout your day.

Human behavior is made up of habits and, as marketers, we are trying to encourage humans to take action or make a decision. So imagine you are in the health coaching business and you are literally seeing a person’s day to day in terms of what they eat, the amount of sleep they get, and their exercise… all through different types of data sets. Now, you start to notice red flags such as your client continues to skip breakfast each day and drinks alcohol every night. By looking at their behaviors, you can then better understand why they aren’t meeting their weight loss goals. Now, you can begin to coach them by incorporating triggers that will help them make healthier decisions. It could be something as simple as sending them a text message at 7am in the morning asking if they had breakfast. If they respond “no”, then you could suggest simple breakfast items that are easy to make or on the go.

the three keys to true behavior change

True behavior change happens when there is HIGH motivation (weight loss) + EASY ability (breakfast on the go) + SIGNAL Trigger (text message)

Successful marketing needs to become behavioral marketing. It’s about coaching your potential customers or clients to make wise decisions or purchases that will benefit them in the long run or solve a problem. The motivation is the outcome they desire but you have to determine whether they have HIGH or LOW motivation which then will determine what types of content you feed to them to engage triggers which then sets the stage for how it affects their ability to make the purchase (money, time, or physical effort).

Behavioral marketing is about coaching your potential customers or clients to make wise decisions or purchases that will benefit them in the long run or solve a problem.

By understanding your customer’s needs up front, you can then begin to include this model into designing optimal digital experiences, combined with data insights, about your customers. Through this type of ongoing analysis, you can continue to provide the ideal customer experience that your consumer deserves.

If you’re interested in learning how to use these techniques in creating an optimal digital experience for your consumers, please reach out to us.